If you don't see the answer to your question here, please visit the Contact Us section and submit one there! We will review it and reply or add it to the page if it is commonly asked. Thanks for your inquiries!
Q: Do you accept insurance?
A: No, we currently do not accept insurance.
Q: Do you accept HSA/FSA cards?(Health Savings Account/Flexible Spending Account)
A: Yes. Here's what you need to know; generally to use this card for pain management massage you will need a medical note from your Primary Care Physician (or in some cases and chronic conditions your specialist.
For example if you're seeing a neurologist for recurring Migraines, or a chiropractor for chronic low-back pain, you'd want to obtain a medical note from them more specifically. This note lets them know you have medical necessity for massage and that it should be eligible for use with you FSA/HSA. It is important to review the guidelines for your individual plan and these are General.
You're note should specify:
1)What you are getting treated and why/diagnoses
2)How frequently you require massage
3)The duration in which the note is good for
*It might read: I recommend John Doe receives therapeutic massage on an as-need basis (or 2x/wk, or 2x/mo, or monthly) for 3/mo (or 6/mo, or 1yr) to treat recurring migraines (or bulging discs in low back, or arthritis, etc.).